The Disco, which is just down the street, is much like an American grocery store (except, of course, its name). There are “normal” aisles, a deli, and even some similar products. So, of course, I look to see what products I can find that are like those in
1. Zucaritas, which are Frosted Flakes. (For those of you who don’t know, azúcar means sugar in Spanish.) As Karen commented, they seriously cut to the chase here. “Nothing good in these, folks. They’re pretty much just straight sugar…”)
2. Doritos and other Lay’s products
3. Coca Cola, Sprite, Pepsi…
4. Pan Americano- This is what Krista likes to call bleached, flavorless bread and is what most people in the States think of as “normal bread.”
5. Hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.
Also, when I went to Tres Cruces, I saw a McDonald’s and a Mr. Pollo (which is much like McDonald’s except you order Mr. Hamburger instead of a Big Mac and Mr. Pollo instead of Chicken McNuggets).
So what’s the point of this list? Just to let you know that sometimes being an American makes me a little sad. I mean, seriously, what cultural things ARE we exporting? Here’s what I get out of “American foods” in other countries: an inferior, unhealthy product. Not to mention the fact that maybe, just maybe, the American desire for speed and convenience prevents the development of meaningful, natural relationships. But that’s another post entirely.
For now, I’ll enjoy the culinary experiences available to me here. And, of course, I’ll also consume a certain number of familiar products. In fact, I have a Coke under my bed right now waiting to be opened and drunk (drank? I never know…). But, mostly, I’ll try as many new foods as possible and find things that I’ll miss when I come back.
Sometimes food from home is great!
Raquel once told me she and Fabricio worked together. She said, "I make women fat, so they go to him!"
Well, I definitely need to go to Fabricio. Tonight prolly. :D Karen and a bunch of other people have already signed up and they're all uber excited. I'm less excited, but I'll give it a go... I'm trusting you here.
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